This training will be most useful for people with little to no experience with quality control or instruments. This course will
benefit laboratory personnel in many industries including: pharmaceutical – traditional and phytochemical, food, beverage,
environmental, chemical, and personal products.
Course topics:
Chromatographic methods Learning
How HPLC works
Which type of HPLC will work for your company
HPLC system components
Apply techniques
How to properly evaluate the data
System maintenance
Solve and/or prevent some common problems that might arise
Number of Sessions
3 sessions
Dr. Nabil Mofeed
QC Section Head
+11 years experiences in quality control, master degree in analytical chemistry
Who should attend?
This training will be most useful for people with little to no experience with quality control or instruments like HPLC. This course will benefit laboratory personnel in many industries including: pharmaceutical – traditional and phytochemical, food, beverage, environmental, chemical, and personal products.
Course topics:
Quality control basic skills -Good Laboratory Practices (GLP)
Quality control Instruments
Chromatographic methods Learning
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
Describe how and why HPLC works and which type of HPLC will work for your company
List all the HPLC system components and how to keep them properly maintained (the hardware)
Describe the LC theory and it many modes of operation
Apply techniques to ensure that methods are working properly and how to properly evaluate the data
Solve and/or prevent some common problems that might arise